Dedicated to hands-on craftsmanship

for the benefit of

current and future generations.

Justin Fink has over 20 years of experience in home building, restoration and woodworking. In March of 2020, he welcomed his first child and decided to build a business that would inspire the next generation of craftspeople.

A Connecticut native, Justin has a soft spot for historic New England buildings. Using his knowledge of the Secretary of the Interior Standards, Justin has completed many restorations and renovations. He is committed to constant learning and incorporates modern building practices and environmentally friendly materials into his work.

In addition to our work on residential home, we have worked on some of the most prestigious historic buildings in CT and surrounding states, including:

  • Isham Terry House, Hartford, CT - Door restoration, porch repairs, window restoration

  • Leffingwell House, Norwich, CT - 18th century style window restoration

  • Comstock Ferre, Wethersfield, CT - Porch restoration and reproduction

  • Webb Deane Stevens Barn, Wethersfield, CT - Barn floor repairs

  • Phelps Hatheway House, Suffield, CT - Porch restoration, window work, quoin reproduction/repairs

  • United Church of Christ, Lenox, MA - Reproduction clock faces

  • Palmer-Warner House, East Haddam, CT - Reproduction millwork

  • Buckingham Governor’s Mansion, Norwich, CT - Reproduction windows

  • Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry, CT - Reproduction bulkhead doors, screen door, exterior rot repair

  • Hempstead Houses, New London, CT - Reproduction windows

  • First Church Wethersfield, Wethersfield, CT - Reproduction windows, reproduction exterior millwork

  • Butler McCook House, Hartford, CT - Window restoration

  • Oldwick Zion Church, Oldwick, NJ - Reproduction triple hung gothic windows

  • Congregational Church of Plainville, Plainville, CT - Window Restoration

  • Worthington Meeting House, Berlin, CT - Full restoration of cupola

  • Greenleaf House, Norwich, CT - Reproduction windows, reproduction corbel brackets

  • Governor Jonathan Trumbull House, Lebanon, CT - Exploratory demolition to allow for structural repairs

  • American Clock Museum, Bristol, CT - Window restoration and reproduction windows

  • Buttolph-Williams House, Wethersfield, CT - Reproduction windows